
What if we all knew how to love? Every single one of us. If all of just knew what love looked like and what love was. That's it. We just loved. Unconditionally. Everything around us is beating to that one rhythm, that one hope. But what if we caught on. What would that look like? I'm not talking romance, I'm talking something much deeper, something much more raw. Just love. The boldness of it. The innocence of it. The shear emotion. What if we weren't scared of being hurt? Or scared that the love wasn't reciprocated? Or, if the fear of being transparent wasn't really a fear at all? We just put our hearts out there. What if we just simply believed in love? In the midst of darkness and pain and difficulties, love just makes sense, right? Maybe I speak of these things because somewhere deep down I believe them. I believe it's possible. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm a boy that dreams with my heart, instead of my mind. Maybe I speak of things that I shouldn't, and things that don't seem possible. Maybe I get goosebumps, or lumps in my throat at times when most people wouldn't. And maybe I ramble. I don't know.

But, what if we spoke of things that were deep within. Things that we never thought would feel the air as they left our tongue? Fears, failures, hopes, dreams, lovers, pain...Have I painted the right picture?

What if we shared. Everything.

Autumn is here. Or, in other parts of the world anyway. The leaves are bursting with a plethora of different colors. I can almost feel the crisp cool air on my skin. The way your lungs hurt as you take that first morning breath. The way you peel the covers back to peek at the day, and you immediately feel the bite at your nose. With fall, always comes some sort of push inside me to look back on the year and to gaze forward with dreams in my heart and hope in my hands. I think this is a response to the slow building of things throughout the year. I begin hibernating my mind, to prepare for the cold winter, and start packing my heart away.

And so here I am. Caught in the midst of change. We're all here, actually. Everything around is constantly evolving into the next season, the pages slowly turn into the next chapter.

"'s the sound of the unlocking and the lift away, your love will be safe with me."