Everything's Not Lost

Had a phone call tonight. It lasted 2.5 hours. It was both heavy and lighthearted. It was thought provoking. We spilled our emotions onto a line that was separated only by distance. We talked of dreams and pain and fears and hopes. We poured so much life into those 150 minutes. So many things felt so true as they were spoken.

Why do we settle? We settle because at times, we get lonely. We settle because we think, "this is it." We settle because somewhere along the way we have these enormous dreams that we somehow decide have become unattainable. We think we've dreamt to big, and so we convince ourselves we don't deserve that or worse: that will never happen.

There's so much on my heart, but since this is sometimes a blog and not a journal, I'll keep the rest to myself. I think we can all agree that there are things in life worth crying about, worth screaming about, writing about, laughing about, and hurting for. I suppose that's true in this moment. There are questions worth asking.

I will say this. It's something we can't tell ourselves, what we mean to other people. So, once in a while, it is good to hear. We hope we know, but there's something powerful when it's uttered and that silence is broken.